April Ghouls! '22

A little series of monsters done for each day in the first week of April. Unlike a similar project of mine, these critters aren't based on any particular myths and stories but instead common creature design elements.

Exposed Brains

Medullarson has the power to control minds! But the mind controls a lot in a body, so Mendy's mostly letting his pawns run on autopilot while he figures out what each neuron and synapse actually do. Wouldn't want to accidentally turn off breathing...

...or unwittingly activate their entire brain, unlocking who knows what. Somebody told Mendy that'd "just cause a seizure," and now he's utterly terrified of HIS mind getting controlled.

Ancient Trunklings evolved long legs and noses to keep themselves out of the mud. Modern Trunklings however LOVE to wallow, and silently curse their ancestors for being so fussy.

To say Fernanda overslept is an understatement. At least the plants smell nice, and offer camouflage when she's out hunting...

Lacking eyes, Sph'noid relies on a host of other senses, including bio-sonar, thermoception, and even auras. They serve him well, but he wishes he knew what the hell these "colors" are that everyone keeps complimenting him on.

An arboreal beast that dangles its head below as a lure and snatches up anything that gets too close. It also raises its head up past the canopy above, just to watch the sky.

Tapetums love to stick their peepers where they weren't invited. Secret diaries journals, leaked movie scripts, all that mess you shoved under your bed when you realized guests were coming, the game you're playing while your at work, that thing that you pretend didn't just scurry behind the fridge — Tapetums want to see! They aren't terribly retentive though, enjoying the petty act of naughtiness itself over gleaning anything, much to the chagrin of any fiends attempting to use the little creeps as spies.

One must keep in mind that the back of a Tapetum is also eyes. Just turning them around won't stop them from seeing what embarrassing thing it is you're doing.


Never thought we'd have to write that warning, but multiple persons have decided to do so, much to the thing's displeasure. Or maybe it was to its pleasure, hard to tell. Lots of giggles, lots of blood, whole lots of crunched space-time... just keep your fingers to yourself, man!

April Ghouls!