Future Veteran of the Psychic Wars

(click for larger image)

Pre-cyborg General Grievous redesign. A bit more batty since his robot suit looks rather like a vampire skeleton. (I assume the official version picked up on this too, but it's a little too clean for my tastes) He intentionally doesn't completely match up with his future self -- the Geonosians rebuilding him weren't quite sure what to make of a charred alien corpse, and Grievous himsef later took the opportunity to make "improvements."

Also, Jedi hands! Because Lucas' backstory for Grievous is that he's jealous of force wielders, even being disappointed to find you can't gain that power via blood transfusions, and now I'm sad we never got a Clone Wars episode where the General becomes very ghoulish...

Also also, baby Gor!

(unofficial fan art redesigns, I don't own the characters or names)